AS PUBLISHED IN "THE PEOPLES' POST" NEWSPAPER DURING 2009 Weddings and Photography! - tip number 1. This is a big question! Best left to a reputable professional photographer, the most important aspect is the professional relationship and understanding between the couple and their photographer. Pre-wedding meetings are essential and I like to suggest an informal “engagement” shoot at a relaxed venue at least a week before the wedding. Brides are advised to check the what exactly is included in their wedding shoot packages. It's a case of horses for courses. However, it is best to ensure that your precious Rands are spent on a solid reliable photographer with decent equipment first, before the gimmicks. A number of suppliers these days rely heavily on fixing errors and adding special effects afterwards using the computer – so called “photoshopping”. This can lead to long delays, sometimes up to 4 weeks or longer, in finished work being delivered to the happy couple. B...