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Through the time capsule

  Winter daisies on the farm Dwaarsrivier, Cederberg. 

Winter sunsets - My side of the mountain

  Dusk - after sunset Noordhoek Beach

Understanding digital photo quality and file size: A ready guide

Understanding digital photo quality and file size: A ready guide for publishing - Magazine print, newsprint or digital medium.   Photo and content copyright Gareth Griffiths As an editor and professional photographer, up to 50% of the images Safrean Gareth Griffiths gets sent for publishing in print are of the wrong resolution. Hereā€™s how you can be sure you get it right next time. Resolution Resolution means the size of the photo in pixels (very simply, these are ā€˜dotsā€™ of digital information relating to colour and tone) that are expressed in a horizontal and vertical medium. When you multiply the horizontal by the vertical dimension, you get the digital resolution of the image, expressed in megapixels (what you camera ā€˜takesā€™). This should NOT be confused with print resolution, which is the dots per inch analogue equivalent of digital resolution. The trade has adopted two slang terms for the presentation of images. They are ā€˜high resā€™ and ā€˜low resā€™. Be warned that these are subje...